Trường Nhật ngữ Quốc tế KCP

2012-11-10 17:12:30
After our part time job orientation

 On October 22nd, we held an orientation to support students who are looking for part time jobs. Over 25 students participated in the orientation, and they signed up for the introduction of part time jobs.

After the sign-up, teachers who are in charge of the support did individual interviews with the students to hear their job preference and to introduce part time jobs that matches their preference.
As of today more than half of those who signed up for the service have found part time jobs that they like. Some had requests such as "I want to be an engineer so I would like to work at a garage related to car race" or "I have worked as a florist back home so I would like to work at a flower shop", and although their preferences were rather unique they successfully got the jobs that match their preference!

We will keep supporting those of you who have not yet found part time jobs that you like, so please don't worry! We always welcome more students for the service, so if you need any assistance in finding a part time job please feel free to visit the teachers' office.

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