Trường Nhật ngữ Quốc tế KCP

2012-01-05 10:20:14
New year experience of a Japanese instuctor

Japanese instructor S.A. 's new year

Happy new year!
Did any of you who are currently in Japan go to "Hatsu-moude" (new year shrine visit) this year? I went to Hikawa shrine close from my house on January 2nd for hatsu-moude. It was so crowded, I needed to get in line and it took me 30 minutes to reach the front of the shrine to throw coins into coin box and pray for a good year.
On the shrine's property there were many stands selling various things, and there were many people buying lucky charms, written fortune and hamaya (holly arrow with wooden top) that are typical new year goods that shrines sell. I enjoyed the "new year" atmosphere in the crowd, and bought myself a written fortune. Guess what the fortune paper told me.... :)

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